Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, your child may participate in the weekly practice and not participate in the competition. This is a great program to see if your child will enjoy the sport of cheerleading or even for an experienced cheerleader that needs more practice during the school year.
Yes, your child may only miss 1-2 practices per session. We are a recreational program but we still compete. Therefore, it is extremely important that your child makes it to every practice. It is not fair to the team or coach when their our multiple absents. We need everyone there to properly complete and perfect the entire routine. If you are going to exceed that limit you need to speak with your coach beforehand. You are not allowed to miss the last 3 practices before competition.
There are 3 divisions which are grouped according to your child’s age. Each division practices one day a week for 55 minutes. Our cheerleading program has 2 sessions and at the end of each session the 11 different locations within our company will compete against each other. The sessions are 14 weeks long which you can view under our calendar link. There are no tryouts and no cheer or dance experience necessary. The difficulty of each routine is based upon the age group and we make it easy enough for everyone weather you have experience or not.
Unfortunately, we prefer no parents to stay as this distracts the cheerleaders. We only get 55 minutes one day a week so we need their full attention for the entire practice. You may wait in the hall or in the parking lot until the class is dismissed. We do hold a dress rehearsal on the last day of practice so you can watch their routine.
The registration and class fees pay for your dedicated coaches to work with the cheerleaders, insurance for safety, rental for the practice facility, candy/stickers for the classes and business supplies. The competition & entrance fee pays for the day of competition which consist of judges, d.j., coaches, insurance, rental for the facility, trophies, ribbons, other staff to work the tables and supplies.
Yes, you can pre pay for the entire session only when you register or at the first class. If you do not prepay we allow the parents to do two installments but need to be paid by the dates we indicate. The second payment is only by an automatic withdraw from the credit card you provide. If you do not pay by the end of the class that is indicated on the schedule there is a $5 late charge. If the payment is not paid by the second week your child can not participate.
All merchandise can be purchased online when the session starts up.